
Storefront Vehicle Incursions

Storefront Vehicle Incursions
  • Increasingly common are vehicle incursions where a driver inadvertently, or in some cases deliberately penetrates a storefront. According the Storefront Safety Council:
    • 60 + vehicle-intbuilding crashes each day
    • 3,600 + injuries per year
    • 500 deaths per year
  • While these numbers are rough estimates, a simple google search for shows the scope of the issue, with vehicle incursion incidents nationwide.
  • The lives of employers, employees and customers are increasingly at risk.
  • Business owners and government agencies are being exposed to significant liability.
  • Protecting storefronts based on “best practices” will no longer be enough.
  • An ASTM committee has developed & approved ASTM F3016, Surrogate Testing of Vehicle Impact Protective Devices at Low Speeds that aims to address these risks.
  • With the implementation of the new standard, the responsibility to protect vulnerable store fronts and seating areas with crash tested and crash rated bollards or other devices will fall on commercial real estate, retail owners and government agencies.
  • Incentives through insurers to implement crash tested and crash rated protection will also likely increase.
  • COVID19 has further upped the exposure for these businesses and agencies to provide a safe environment for their employees and customers.