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ASTM F3016 is a crash test standard that determines a protective device, such as bollards, ability to stop a 5,000 lb. vehicle at 10, 20 or 30 MPH. TrafficGuard® Core in protection systems have been tested to ASTM F3016 at speeds of 10 and 20 MPH at multiple accredited testing agencies. Testing is conducted using a ‘bogey’, or reusable test vehicle. The success of a test is determined by a P1 or P2 rating. P1 is a penetration into the protected zone of 12” or less. P2 is penetration of 4’ or less. Penetration of more than 4’ results in a failure. End users should always request a testing summary of the product they are purchasing from an accredited testing agency to ensure that the bollard will stop a vehicle.
Numerous factors go into selecting a removable bollards rating. In many instances a P1 rating may be required where a vehicle must be stopped quickly with little penetration. This is often the case where pedestrians will be frequently present. A P2 rating is often satisfactory for applications where a vehicle just needs to be stopped from going fully into a protected zone, a store front being a good example.