The Importance of Anti-Ram Traffic Control Barriers
As ram raiding and accidental ramming incidents continue to occur, resulting in devastating damage to property and injury or even death to pedestrians in some instances, it's important for facilities to make sure that they are secure at all times. There are many ways for commercial, industrial and certain residential locations to avoid ramming accidents, keeping storefronts and other types of building entrances consistently safe regardless of pedestrian presence.
Speed Bumps and Tire Killers
One common type of safety implementation that many locations use is a speed bump. Strategically placed speed bumps in a parking lot or other public location can help ensure that vehicle traffic stays within the speed limit. They are extremely simple and affordable for property owners. They may not provide effective safety in the event of a high-speed crash, but they keep drivers aware of their surroundings and the welfare of pedestrians and property. These safety devices can help make sure that drivers are following the rules, but neither are entirely able to stop traffic immediately in the event of a complete loss of control or deliberate speeding. Thankfully, there are anti-ram traffic control barriers that are specifically designed for this.
In addition to buffers such as speed bumps, buildings should have safety equipment that can stop vehicles if they threaten the well-being of pedestrians and the structural integrity of property. Anti-ram traffic control barriers are designed for this purpose, providing 24-hour protection for people and property. There are several different types of active vehicle barriers that can withstand low- and high-speed vehicle impact, depending on the application. Fixed, removable and collapsible anti-ram traffic safety posts are available to provide visual deterrence along with physical protection.
What is Ram Raiding?
In many cases involving crashes through building entrances, the driver loses control of the vehicle and unintentionally crashes into the facility. However, this isn't always the case, as some criminals ram their vehicles or stolen ones into storefronts to quickly break and enter into targeted locations, and steal or vandalize what they can. This act is called ram raiding, and it occurs a lot more often than you might think. Ram raiding crimes typically take place after an establishment has closed in order to avoid alerting people to their presence, but these incidents can also happen during the day, posing a serious risk to pedestrians. Whether pedestrians are present or absent, ram raiding can dramatically affect business owners in several ways.
Costs of Ram Raiding Incidents
Vehicle crashes can cost thousands in repairs, which often take place over months. These costs can greatly prevent worthwhile profits, and the damage left will leave the establishment visually unappealing, taking away from otherwise attractive architecture. In many instances, criminals use larger vehicles such as vans and trucks to crash through buildings more easily, potentially causing a much greater amount of damage than smaller vehicles. In addition to the costs associated with vehicle impact, ram raiding can result in stolen or severely damaged inventory. Thieves will target expensive products or equipment and potentially vandalize the property, and business managers and property owners will have to spend time assessing the damage and missing items. The amount of time spent focusing on repairing damages combined with the cost can tremendously hinder business operations. Injury to pedestrians can also result in expensive personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits that may shut down businesses found to have improper safety measures on the premises.
The Need to Keep Pedestrians Safe with Reliable Anti Ram Barriers
Protecting property from damage caused by ram raiding crimes is highly important, but keeping visitors and employees safe from impact is also necessary. Ram raiding crimes usually occur during closing time to avoid attention, but occasional accidents can happen, as drivers can lose control over their vehicles for a variety of reasons. Pedestrians don't usually anticipate the possibility of ramming incidents, and storefronts are areas that normally experience heavy foot traffic during daylight hours. Many people are often vulnerable to vehicle impact, particularly when located near parking lots containing large number of vehicles. Considering most pedestrians don't consciously think about the presence of safety measures, many assume that they are protected from such accidents. However, not all buildings have the proper safety devices installed when they should. Protecting both people and property from ramming accidents and ram raiding crimes is vital for any type of facility, which is why properties should have effective safety devices implemented to prevent vehicle ramming. There are many types of safety measures that can keep vehicles in line.Speed Bumps and Tire Killers 
One common type of safety implementation that many locations use is a speed bump. Strategically placed speed bumps in a parking lot or other public location can help ensure that vehicle traffic stays within the speed limit. They are extremely simple and affordable for property owners. They may not provide effective safety in the event of a high-speed crash, but they keep drivers aware of their surroundings and the welfare of pedestrians and property. These safety devices can help make sure that drivers are following the rules, but neither are entirely able to stop traffic immediately in the event of a complete loss of control or deliberate speeding. Thankfully, there are anti-ram traffic control barriers that are specifically designed for this. Anti-Ram Traffic Control Barrier Posts

American Society for Testing and Materials Standards
Stainless steel bollard posts provide superior strength and resistance to wear and tear. Stainless steel bollard posts can be designed to meet American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for vehicle impact resistance. Fixed anti-ram bollard posts are ideal for commercial locations such as storefronts where pedestrians regularly enter and exit a building. They provide permanent protection for glass doors, ATMs, windows, and sidewalks where shoppers, employees and others are normally active. Typically embedded fixed posts are better suited than surface mounted bollards for physical impact protection.Removable Anti-Ram Traffic Control Barriers
Removable posts are also useful in locations where pedestrian traffic is heavy, but they allow for complete removal if pedestrian traffic varies or if vehicle access levels regularly change. When in place, many removable posts are designed for sufficient protection in low-speed vehicle crashes. Users can remove them and replace them with ground fillers that help conceal the installation location. Collapsible bollards give users the ability to raise and lower them at any time, providing heavy-duty security when raised and locked and allowing for vehicle clearance when lowered. They are easy to maneuver in urgent situations, allowing quick passage for emergency vehicles. Their bright yellow color provides effective visual deterrence for passing vehicles. These posts are ideal for installation by warehouse doors and other areas that only allow entry for authorized personnel at varying times.
Meet ASTM Standards with Stainless Steel Anti-Ram Traffic Control Bollards
To keep property and pedestrians safe from vehicle impact at all times, an effective system of anti-ram traffic control barriers is necessary. Many traffic bollards are tested and determined to meet ASTM standards, including high-speed impact and low-speed impact ranging from 10 to 30 miles per hour. They can keep drivers alert and pedestrians comforted where installed, and avoid all of the potential risks of injury, damage and lawsuits associated with ram raiding crimes and accidents. Whether they're installed at a commercial, industrial or residential location, strategically placed anti-ram active vehicle barriers can provide protection.Stay Informed
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