Are You Forgetting to Protect the Little Things with Your Security Bollards?
A lot of the places and things that you need to protect with security bollards are obvious choices, like storefronts, pedestrian walkways, restricted roads and marinas. Just as many, however, are not immediately obvious choices, and neglecting to give them the protection they need can result in catastrophic damage. When you're increasing your security with strategically-placed traffic bollards, there are certain vulnerable areas that you can't afford to ignore—are you neglecting them without even knowing it?
Outdoor Utility Shelters
Telecommunications and utility shelters outside your facility are vulnerable to damage from accidents and also to theft and vandalism. While some facilities protect these shelters only with chain link fences, these can be easily flattened by a speeding vehicle. A vehicle that accidentally collides with your shelter can cause major damage and dangerous electrical fires, while thieves who ram the fence may break in to steal valuable wires, cables and pipes. Bordering your shelter with a few security bollards prevents both intentional and accidental damage.Light Poles and Fire Hydrants
Every parking lot needs light poles, and if one of yours lacks light pole protection and gets hit by a vehicle, it can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage, as well as dangerous conditions for others. Similarly, a fire hydrant struck by a moving vehicle can break and cause costly damage. Placing just a few protective security bollards around these types of structures can prevent expensive, dangerous collisions without limiting access for the professionals who need it.Landscaping and Support Columns
Vehicles navigating a parking area may not always notice the obstructions around them. If a careless driver jumps a curb, they can cause serious damage to their vehicle and to your landscaping. If they strike a support column in a structure like a parking garage, they can even cause critical structural damage. By protecting features like these with security bollards, you keep your facility and the people in it safer. Check back for more tips on improving security with traffic bollards.
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