Different Uses for Bollards

Security and Safety
Bollards can be placed to separate different kinds of traffic to keep pedestrians or cyclists safer; bollards used to protect bicycle lanes in major cities are becoming more and more popular, since cycling is becoming more common as a mode of transportation. They are also used in front of loading docks and garages to help prevent businesses from being “ram raided”—a type of crime that involves a vehicle purposefully hitting the door with intentions of breaking into a building and either committing vandalism or stealing. These types of “smash and grab” crimes can cost businesses an extraordinary amount of money to recover from, not only due to the damage and goods stolen, but also because of the potential of stolen ideas and unfinished work. Bollards are also used to delineate the spaces between pedestrian walkways and parking lots, such as outside stores. This helps to protect people walking into the store from errant vehicles. Used like this, bollards can also help prevent vehicles from crashing into buildings.Locations That Use Bollards
There are a number of different industries that use bollards to keep people safe and buildings secure. They are used by school districts, park districts, financial institutions and drive-through lanes, just to name a few. Even some residential areas feature bollards, particularly in gated community living spaces to mark which side of the driveway is meant for entering and which is for exiting the premises. Some uses for bollards include:- Bike paths
- Universities
- Streetscapes
- Cemeteries
- Factories
- Marinas
- Government buildings
- Golf courses
- Public works buildings
- Stadiums
- Retail settings
Different Options
If you’re considering purchasing and installing bollards, it’s important to know that there are a variety of options available. Bollards are available in removable, collapsible, and permanent options, all in different heights and diameters. They are typically powder-coated stainless steel, making them a durable, damage-resistant option for security and safety that doesn’t need to be repaired or replaced. If you select removable bollards, you’ll choose between locking and non-locking options. Non-locking bollards are typically used indoors, such as inside a factory to protect equipment from in-factory vehicles like forklifts. Permanent bollards are available in embedded or surface-mounted options, and collapsible bollards are ideal for temporary security such as near parking garages. When you need a reliable form of security for virtually any location, bollards are an ideal choice.
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