How to Use Bollards for Safety

Protecting Storefront Security
Ram-raiding activity is particularly threatening for businesses of high value, including luxury storefronts, malls and more. Storefront security is of the utmost importance for your business, so you may need to install barrier posts around the front of your store to protect your property from ram raiding and vandalism. That way, if people do try to purposely crash into your site, the bollards will stop them, even if they are moving at high speeds.Protecting Pedestrians
If areas in or around properties invite high levels of foot traffic, property owners may need to install protective posts around the perimeter. If a driver accidentally or intentionally tries to crash into these areas, the bollards will thwart their attempt, preventing potentially damaging and catastrophic accidents. To combat this, many city officials often install bollards around areas with high pedestrian traffic, including bike lanes, sidewalks, parks, schools, airport parking lots and more.Features of a Safety Bollard
As you are searching for security bollards, consider which features will best fit your site and its safety needs. If your building needs permanent protection, a fixed bollard would be an ideal way to safeguard your property. For areas that only need temporary restrictions or need to grant access during specific times, such as during festivals or other high-traffic events, a removable or collapsible bollard could work best. These security bollards create a safe clearance for drivers when they are not being used. All of these bollard styles create a crash resistance for maximum protection. Whichever bollard you use for your property and storefront security, you will want to make sure it is in a bright shade for maximum visual deterrence. A bold color, like yellow, can alert even the most inattentive drivers and can prevent them from having an accident that could hurt the building, as well as those near it.
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