Modified Removable Bollards Ideal as Parking Meter Posts
Removable bollards serve as an excellent, and often less expensive, alternative to a gate. Bollards also serve to protect facilities, property and people from unwanted vehicle intrusion in a variety of applications. Now, removable bollard systems are being used in a wider variety of applications. One such application is as a removable parking meter post. By modifying a typical removable bollard and manufacturing it to accept a standard parking meter head, a removable bollard now provides serious functionality. In areas where Municipalities want to raise revenue from parking, but often need vehicle access, they now have a solution that allows them to do both with the simple removable of a padlock. Removable parking meter posts also enable Municipalities to raise revenue by installing the meters only for certain special events – street fairs, farmers markets, etc. This type of solution gives Cities and Towns great flexibility. Removable parking meter bollards can also be ideal for placement in front of higher security facilities to protect from “smash and grab” crime. This enables not only the collection of parking revenue, but protects facilities from intentional or even accidental vehicle intrusion.

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