Proper Installation Critical to Bollards Longevity and Function
A couple of big concerns facilities managers have when making a significant investment in removable bollards or collapsible bollards is that the product is low maintenance and that the bollard unit will function properly for a long period of time. What these managers need to know is that how the bollard is installed is the most critical step to ensure long lasting bollard maintenance. The biggest mistake made in security bollard installation comes from the failure to ensure proper drainage. It is critical that the removable bollard sleeve is open at it's bottom end and that PVC drainage pipe is run the length of the footing to gravel base. This helps to ensure that after rain, the bollard does not sit in standing water for a long period of time. Little or no drainage will cause the security post to corrode quickly and may eventually seize whatever locking mechanism the vehicle barrier has in place. It is also critical that concrete of the right consistency is poured, if it is too runny it can bind the gravel base and block appropriate drainage. If the installer makes sure that drainage is set appropriately, they can ensure that their bollard system has a long lasting functional life.

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