Reasons to Invest in Bollards
If you’ve ever wondered if buying bollards could be right for you, the following reasons could help you make your decision. Read on to find out what a bollard is used for and the reasons for investing in bollards:

1) They protect you
Bollards are used primarily for protection, and not just in the streets. For example, placing security bollards around parking spots can ensure that cars don’t accidentally hit one another or park in unauthorized places. If you want to use bollards in more residential areas, like near your home or apartment complex, bollards can be used for that, too. You can choose from permanent, collapsible or removable bollards, depending on your needs.2) They give you options
Bollards are great as permanent security devices, but they don’t always have to be. For protection when you want it, a removable bollard could be a good fit. For example, if you are a business with a parking lot, a removable bollard could block off any parking spaces you want to reserve for only a short time. Then, when the spaces are available to everyone, just simply remove the bollard. You could apply the same concept for things like apartment building, arena or shopping parking, and you could even offer personalized bollards for these spots if applicable.3) They are aesthetically pleasing
Unlike other types of security, like fences or spike strips, bollards provide the protection you need in a clean and friendly yet authoritarian aesthetic. Their streamlined, utilitarian look makes them unobtrusive, but unmistakably powerful. If you're looking for a form of security that doesn't sacrifice looks for durability, a bollard is the solution you need.4) They're perfect for specific traffic security measures
Sometimes, traffic is meant to go through for some vehicles, but not for others. In those cases, security bollards can be a perfect solution. For example, collapsible bollards are ideal for restricted access areas like loading docks and emergency vehicle parking lots. Placing collapsible bollards in places like these gives your personnel the power to allow authorized vehicles in and out while preventing access by unauthorized parties. Similarly, bollards are useful for areas like bike lanes and pedestrian bridges, as they keep motor vehicles off of the path without restricting access to the people for whom it's intended.
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