The Advantage of Cemetery Bollards
Many people may not think about cemeteries as unsafe, especially concerning pedestrian traffic. The entrances and exits of cemeteries generate heavy traffic during funerals. In these cases, bollards are not just about safety, but about creating a warm atmosphere for the grieving that pass through.
Pedestrians, Drivers, and Processions: Addressing Safety Concerns
Many cemeteries grounds include ponds or creeks, providing an opportunity for the natural environment to give quiet solace to mourners. During winter, when the asphalt or paths are icy, bollards can be an extra safety measure, helping to prevent accidents and collisions. This is not just for the edge of water, but for driveways that get too close to the road and steep hills. Bollards protect pedestrians, too. Light-colored or decorated cemetery traffic barriers are easier to see, and can direct traffic when a large funeral procession makes the layout confusing and unsafe. Lights help those visiting passed loved ones at night see their way and help to avoid slipping on uneven ground. Bollards can also mark off gravestones. An unmarked gravestone can be quite dangerous, with marble headstones weighing as much as 160 pounds per square foot, and larger monuments weighing up to 1,000 pounds or more. Gravestones are not always installed correctly, or are too thin and too tall to be considered safe and stable. Bollards also help with delicate decorations, like urns and flowers or even curbs, which can be easily trampled if not properly marked. Effective use of bollards in conjunction with safety notices can help prevent injury or death. Cemeteries can prevent unauthorized access to their grounds at night by using collapsible bollards. After locking these security barriers into place, the only way to get in is by walking. Newer models come with additional locks and stopping power, helping to prevent forced entry by unwanted individuals.An Opportunity to Improve Décor
Since cemeteries are not as highly trafficked as a city’s downtown shopping district or school crosswalks, they are often in need of a more aesthetic appeal—which bollards can provide. Some bollards have divots on top for flowers or steel hooks for hanging planters. Another tactic for décor conformity is changing the raw materials used to make the posts. Bollards may be made of strong, treated wood to have a more natural feel. This is common in older cemeteries, or ones in highly wooded areas. Wooden posts can also be engraved, providing a history of the town or a famous, local benefactor. Other stylish materials may be used, like soft metals or gems placed along the top around mausoleums. In addition, many cities have laws that require any permanent object supplied by the city to either maintain or improve the visual aspect of the neighborhood. This is common in affluent towns that bury their telephone pole wires and have strict guidelines on shopping plaza uniformity. For more information on how you can use bollards for to create a peaceful and respectful atmosphere for a cemetery, get in touch with a TrafficGuard representative today. To see additional benefits that bollards can provide, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages.
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