Using Bollards in Cemeteries
Cemeteries are considered sacred places by many and require constant protection from intruders, accidents and other risks. Along with surveillance systems, gates and caretakers, cemeteries should employ the protection that traffic bollards provide to entrances and other areas vulnerable to vehicle accidents. Crashes do occur at cemeteries, causing property damage as vehicles crash through fences and tear up the ground over individual graves.
Proper Protection for Gravesites
Caretakers and surveillance systems may deter grave robbing and other criminal activity, watching over cemetery property at all times, but they can’t protect against vehicular intrusion that causes massive property damage and desecration of graves. Cemetery safety posts such as removable and collapsible posts can stand at the entrances and exits of cemeteries, preventing unauthorized vehicles from gaining access. Removable posts come with lid covers that keep the standing site hidden when bollards are stored. Fixed bollards can provide protection for the perimeter of a cemetery, strategically placed at vulnerable points around fences without detracting from the environment. High traffic areas are particularly susceptible to crashes, making roadside bollards a worthwhile investment that accompanies fences.Preserve Sanctity
Cemeteries are locations that people rely on for the permanent preservation of loved ones. When that sanctity is compromised, friends and families may not feel like they can rely on that location for their friends’ and families’ resting place. Install cemetery safety posts on the premises in order to prevent property damage, preventing not only expensive property damage but also emotional distress caused by damaged gravesites. Property managers can also experience the peace of mind in knowing that graveyards are properly secured.
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