
TrafficGuard Bollards Find Traction in the Middle East

In 2009, TrafficGuard saw its bollard supplies reach the Middle East and increase sales there. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq procured Trafficguard...

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Low Maintenance Bollards

Currently one of the most effective ways to secure facilities and protect property and people is with removable or collapsible bollards. Bollards that...

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Modified Removable Bollards Ideal as Parking Meter Posts

Removable bollards serve as an excellent, and often less expensive, alternative to a gate. Bollards also serve to protect facilities, property and peo...

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Bollards Ideal for Storefront Protection

Anti-ram posts are becoming increasingly important to protect store fronts and pedestrians from accidents occurring due to driver error. Fixed and rem...

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Proper Installation Critical to Bollards Longevity and Function

A couple of big concerns facilities managers have when making a significant investment in removable bollards or collapsible bollards is that the produ...

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Bollards Can Prevent Disaster

As this video shows, store entrances are often a weak point and very easy for a vehicle to intentionally or unintentionally penetrate.  Bollard safety...

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ASTM to release Standard for Low Speed Vehicle Barriers

ASTM sets standards for products around the world to improve product safety and quality.  Recently, they have developed a standard for testing Low Spe...

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Bollard Protection for Residential Areas

Residential areas require more protection for pedestrians and other vehicles than buildings, which is why it’s important to have a network of bollards...

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Using Bollards in Cemeteries

Cemeteries are considered sacred places by many and require constant protection from intruders, accidents and other risks. Along with surveillance sys...

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Why are Bollards Important for Schools?

Schools experience particularly heavy pedestrian activity, with many students and faculty members walking from one campus building to another on a reg...

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